Under the Cities and Towns Act, municipalities must publish and update, on the Internet, a list of the contracts they conclude and that involve a cost of at least $25 000.
Consult the following list, then visit the SEAO website.
The Town Clerk’s Office is at the centre of municipal council activities which are carried out by the town clerk and include providing the necessary legal and administrative support for holding meetings and their follow-up. The Office ensures that by-laws are drafted, prepares public notices as required by law and obtains approval and resolution of by-laws when necessary. It ensures required updating in accordance with the applicable by-laws and municipal policies.
It ensures compliance regarding rules governing contract management and oversees all aspects of closing contracts, agreements or other files of a legal nature.
It oversees voting procedures during municipal elections or referendums. When required, it also ensures that the correct procedures are followed for approving, opening and keeping records.
The office is responsible for managing all administrative documents and the Municipal archives, including legal follow-up for claims and insurance. It also oversees managing human resources in collaboration with the director general.
Highlights 2018
In lieu of the annual report that was produced in the past, click here to consult the Highlights of the Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Report (document in French only).
Contracts exceeding $ 25,000
Since April 1st 2011, all municipalities are required to publish a list of their contracts which exceed $25 000.
List of purchases and contracts
As required by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH), here is the list of expenses of $ 25,000 and more for the period indicated below.
Expenses including 50% of the QST (non-refundable portion)